Friday 13 November 2009

thoughts on 'Dark Knigth' Mise-en-scene, Cinematography

-Scene starts of with very low light
-Revealed from darkness
-Using the low light to shock audience/Joker
-You find the hidden idea just before the character does.
-Darkness used to highlight Joker's face.
-Darkness used in outside room, characters only seen by light from interrogation room.
Costume & Make up
-Joker's make up becomes more messed up throughout scene
-Joker wearing no jacket. Still recognisable outfit.
-Batman's costume undamaged
-Table and chairs, naturalistic for a interrogation room. Adds realism.
-Mics and speakers, so outsiders can hear what's going on.
-Interrogation room, small space. Clearly acknowledged when the Joker is thrown against it and when Batman uses the chair to seal the door.
-People outside suggest more than one setting -they watch from the glass inside as if batman and joker are on display, keeping control.
-Drama created when door is first heared (in dark), sealed by chair and when Batman exits.
Figure expression
-Joker looking impatient and bored when door is heared, eyes instantly closed when lights come on as if he knows he's going to be hit.
-Joker constantly swallows/chewy sound throughout - part of character?
-Batman serious, straight face throughout and rages displayed.
-Joker laughing when being hurt, knows Batman is getting wound up.

-Low camera angles from Joker's point of view
-High camera angles from Batman's point of view
-As if it were to show physical status of the two - Batman strong and irritated, Joker in pain but loving it.
-Shot/reverse shot between Batman and Joker (talk and violence) brief shot of outsiders.
-Hand held camera, shakiness shows rushed tension.

1 comment:

  1. These look promising, is this the film you are going to use?
